Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Band-Aid lesson

Have you ever heard of the band-aid lesson?  Well today 60 of my students got to experience the band-aid lesson.    I provided each student with a post-it note and asked them to write an example of an injury that could possibly occur on the playground.  They did these silently so that they did not influence their classmates.  They came up with some very interesting and scary possibilities for injuries.  We even had a snake bite!  Once the students recorded their injury I called the students up by their number not their name and had them show me their post-it (with injury).  I review then injury, sometimes responded, and then placed a band-aid on their right hand.  No matter the injury or the student, they always received a band-aid on their right hand.  I ask the students to tell me what they noticed.  Several students responded that they were injured on their foot or their shoulder, but I placed a band-aid on their hand and that would really help their injury.  One student even pointed out that I called them up by number and that I didn't use their name, which made them feel like I didn't really care about them or their injury.  Needless to say, we had a great discussion about how everyone has different needs or injuries and that using a "fraction" band-aid may not help someone who has a "decimal" injury.  The students were very insightful and I am proud of their responses.  I truly have some great young men and ladies.

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