Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Flash Mob by Jessica Sain

Flash Mob
By: Jessica Sain
Last week our class did a flash mob. We did it because we won it as a prize for earning twenty dollars at the Boosterthon fun run that came to our school. What we did was our whole class lined up and was really quiet. We walked out in the front of our school in between the office, the front door, and the library. We stood against the wall so it looked like we were just going to the library. Ms. Miller set up the boom box. Then out of nowhere we all start dancing to the ‘Cupid Shuffle’. While we danced to it the people in the office watched out the window and some other classes stopped to watch. We did it for two minutes and when we were done everyone clapped for us. It was so much fun (and we got out of scienceJ)! After the song was over we all lined up against the wall and walked quietly back to our classroom like nothing happened. It was so fun!!!

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