Friday, March 1, 2013

It’s Pancake/Fraction time!!!!!
It’s fraction time. Everyone uses pies or pizzas to do fractions but we did something better we made pancakes. Pancakes are fun for everyone. How would pancakes help with fractions we asked? But we learned more about fractions then we thought. We learned that fractions help you with everything. You can do 38 mini pancakes. We have 17 people in our class and we all had two pancakes. We figured out that if we have pancake mix and it makes 20 pancakes that you can make one hundred mini pancakes. We got to see them cook. They got twice as big as they were when we poured them on. We had a worksheet that had fraction related questions like if you had a recipe that called for 5 cups how many ounces would you have. So next time you do fractions then use pancakes instead of pie or pizza.
by Mariah Cox
photo: Jay enjoying his fractional pancakes
Special Thanks to Mrs. Mitchell for the great lesson inspiration! Love You - Mean it!

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