500 Books to Read By Audrey Gay
Miss Miller’s AM class has a goal; their goal is to read 500 books by the end of the year. Right now they are in their 4th week of the third quarter and have read 173 books will they make it I’m going to interview a couple children in the Am class to see what they think.
This is McKenna Silver, she will answer a few questions.
Question: How do you feel about the goal? Is it too big, to small?
McKenna: I think it’s little over I mean there are only 17 kids in this class, and we’re in 5th grade we’re reading harry potter books, they are pretty big.
Question: What about the class do you know how many kids actually like to read and are actually trying to contribute?
McKenna: I think about a third of the class is trying to contribute, I also think not a lot of kids like to read and some people are just cheating themselves.
Question: Do you think the class is going to make it to their goal by the end of the year, if not how much do you think they will read?
McKenna: no I don’t think we will complete it, I also think we will only read 250.
Based on what she said she thinks we chose a goal that was too high because not that many people in are class are really committed, or don’t read that fast.
I think that if we keep reading we could read as much as we need to and that we should read for the fun of it, but still count the books.